1. Litt, G., Ogden, F.L., Mojica, A., Kempema, E.W., Hendrickx, J.M.H., Gardner, C.B., Bretfeld, M., Regina, J.A., Harrison, J.B.J., Cheng, Y., Lyons, W.B. 2019. Land Cover Effects on Soil Infiltration Measured Using Plot Scale Rainfall Simulation in Steep Tropical Lowlands of Central Panama. Hydrological Processes. Link / Download
  2. Beverly, D.P., Guadagno, C.R., Bretfeld, M., Speckman, H.N., Albeke, S.E., Ewers, B.E. 2019. Hydraulic and photosynthetic response of big sagebrush to the 2017 total solar eclipse. Nature Scientific Reports. DOI 10.1038/s41598-019-45400-y Link / Download
  3. Bretfeld, M., Franklin, S.B., Peet, R.K. 2019. Long‐term understory vegetation dynamics of mixed aspen forests in Rocky Mountain National Park, USA. Journal of Vegetation Science. DOI 10.1111/jvs.12712 Link / Download
  4. Cheng, Y., Ogden, F.L., Jianting, Z., Bretfeld, M. 2018. Land use dependent preferential flow paths affect hydrologic response of steep tropical lowland catchments with saprolitic soils. Water Resources Research. DOI 10.1029/2017WR021875 Link
  5. Bretfeld, M., Ewers, B.E., Hall, J.S. 2018. Plant water use responses along secondary forest succession during the 2015/16 El Niño drought in Panama. New Phytologist: DOI 10.1111/nph.15071 LinkDownload
  6. Bretfeld, M., Franklin, S.B., Hubbard, R.M. 2017. Initial evidence for simultaneous, bi-directional sap flow in roots of interconnected aspen ramets (Populus tremuloides). Folia Geobotanica: DOI 10.1007/s12224-017-9285-0 Link
  7. Berry, C.Z., Evaristo, J., Moore, G., Poca, M., Steppe, K., Verrot, L., Asbjornsen, H., Borma, L.S., Bretfeld, M., Hervé-Fernández, P., Seyfried, M., Schwendenmann, L., Sinacore, K., De Wispelaere, L., McDonnell, J. 2017. The two water worlds hypothesis: Addressing multiple working hypotheses and proposing a way forward. Ecohydrology: DOI 10.1002/eco.1843 Link
  8. Bretfeld, M., Franklin, S.B, Peet, R.K. 2016. A multiple-scale assessment of long-term aspen persistence and elevational range shifts in the Colorado Front Range. Ecological Monographs 68(2): 244-260. DOI 10.1890/15-1195.1 Link / Download
  9. Bretfeld, M., Doerner, J.P., Franklin, S.B. 2015. Radial growth response and vegetative sprouting of aspen following release from competition due to insect-induced conifer mortality. Forest Ecology and Management 347: 96-106. DOI 10.1016/j.foreco.2015.03.006 Link / Download
  10. Bakker, J.P., Rosén, E., Ozinga, W.A., Bretfeld, M., Feldt, T. & Stahl, J. 2012. Long-term effects of scrub clearance and litter removal on the re-establishment of dry alvar grassland species. Ann. Bot. Fennici 49: 21–30. Download